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I know what you’re thinking. “Why would I make something that I can easily buy?” Let me explain with three simple words: Cinnamon. Chocolate. Coffee!

Now that I have your attention here’s why you should really be making nut milk: it’s incredibly easy to do. If you have a bowl, a blender and a mesh strainer then you’re set! More importantly, the flavor options are endless! Long gone are the days when you are forced to choose between vanilla, chocolate or unflavored almond milk. Now we’re throwing in spoonfuls of cinnamon, drizzles of honey and heaps of espresso!

I love experimenting with different flavor combos, and I encourage you to do the same. Just use the basic recipe below and add a couple of spices or flavors like espresso or cocoa powder.


  • 2 cups nuts*
  • Pinch of salt
  • 4 cups water, divided
  • 1 tbsp natural sweetener (like honey, maple syrup or brown rice syrup)
  • 1 -2 tbsps spice or other flavoring


  1. In a large bowl combine the nuts, the salt and 2 cups of water. Place on your counter uncovered overnight. (Keep in mind that softer nuts like macadamias or cashews can soak for 12 hours, while harder nuts like almonds or hazelnuts need to soak for at least 24 hours.)
  2. Pour the nuts and water in a blender with the additional 2 cups of water. Add your sweetener and flavoring, then blend on high for at least one minute.
  3. Pour the blended mixture through a mesh strainer into a container. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to cool before serving.

*Unless you have a super powerful blender (Vitamix, Ninja, etc.) I find walnuts, cashews and macadamia nuts work best.

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If you need some inspiration, here are some of my favorite combos:

  • Cashews + honey + cinnamon
  • Macadamia nuts + brown rice syrup + unsweetened coconut flakes (soak this with the nuts)
  • Almonds + maple syrup + cocoa powder
  • Hazelnuts + honey + espresso powder + vanilla beans
  • Walnuts + maple syrup + chia tea powder

Have you made nut milk before? What is your favorite flavor combo? I would love to hear from you in the comments section below!